A doctoral thesis at the University of Basra discussing the effect of defensive skill exercises in developing individual defense situations in basketball for youth.


A doctoral thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Basra discussed the impact of defensive skill exercises in developing individual defense situations in basketball for young people.

The thesis presented by the researcher (Farouq Abdel-Zahra Khalaf) and under the supervision of (Prof. Dr. Haider Abdel-Razzaq Kazem) was manifested in its importance in finding the appropriate training for the youth category, and they are the base in building advanced national teams through research and investigation of the best training methods in building tactical performance in individual defense Appropriate and mixed with physical performance according to the requirements of film performance, and accordingly we may advance basketball for the better, progress and achieve good results for young people..

The thesis aims to prepare skill defensive exercises in the development of individual defense cases in basketball for youth and to identify the impact of defensive skill exercises in the development of individual defense exercises for youth basketball and to identify the results of the differences in the post-tests between the control and experimental groups in the development of individual defense cases in basketball for youth .

The researcher called for the adoption of the skill defensive exercises used in the training curriculum of the trainer that were proposed by the researcher in the training program for youth, because of their importance in developing individual defense cases in basketball for youth and the need to emphasize in the training units the link between the physical and skill aspect on the one hand (speed, explosive power, And endurance of force, and endurance of speed) with defense cases according to each of its types because of its importance in the success of individual defense cases.