The Ministry of Education prevents non-vaccinators from entering its institutions


A recommendation circulated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to all governmental and private institutes, colleges and universities stating that they are not allowed to work for all disciplines and classifications unless they bring a vaccination card or a negative (PCR) examination weekly for those who are not covered by the vaccine or those infected during the previous three months, supported by good reports starting from the first of September next September.

The circular stated the following decision ((not allowing the attendance of students, staff and teaching staff in all governmental and private institutes, colleges and universities, and counting them as absent if they do not bring a vaccination card or a negative PCR examination weekly for those not covered by the vaccine or those infected during the previous three months (confirmed by good reports from the committees). Competent) starting from 9/1/2021).

In turn, the Deanship of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Basra calls for adherence to the directives of the esteemed Ministry and asks its students and affiliates to comply with this decision in order to preserve health and limit the spread of the virus in society.