training course

A rehabilitation complex in cooperation with the Sports College is holding a training course
Informing the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
Jaafar Al-Tayyar (peace be upon him) Rehabilitation Complex affiliated to the Popular Mobilization Authority in Basra, in cooperation with the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, held a rehabilitation and training course entitled (General rehabilitation in treating the wounded and ways to develop physical, psychological and occupational therapy).
The course, which lasted for three consecutive days, dealt with many topics, including psychological rehabilitation, physical injuries, nutrition and sports sociology, in which more than twenty trainees of both sexes participated.
A group of faculty teachers, including Prof. Dr. Abdul-Kazim Jalil, Prof. Dr. Kamel Shaneen, Prof. Dr. Louay Kazem, Assistant Professor Dr. Amer Abbas, Assistant Professor Dr. Haider Odeh, and Assistant Professor Dr. Qusay Saleh, also lectured.
This was also attended by the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Sabah Mahdi Karim on the closing day, who in turn indicated, "The college is open to governmental and non-governmental institutions and seeks to spread scientific mathematical concepts and their related matters and the cooperation between us and the Jaafar Al-Tayyar Complex (peace be upon him) is not a newborn today, and we also value the efforts made. of those in charge of this assembly, especially the fellow lecturers in the course.