The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Hosts the University of Basra Council

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences hosted the esteemed Basra University Council in its seventh periodic session on the fifth of April in the college conference hall.
Where the session was accompanied by an inspection tour of the respected President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, in the corridors of the college.
The session also included honoring the College of Medicine, represented by its dean, Professor Dr. Mazen Hawaz Abdul-Ridha, on the occasion of the graduation of the first batch, in addition to honoring the engineering staff implementing the housing complex adopted by the University of Basra for professors and associates.
Several administrative, scientific, and service decisions and proposals were discussed, a group of academic promotions was voted on, and percentages of completion of the science curriculum for all subjects were presented in each branch and department of the university’s faculties, in addition to a preliminary presentation of the examination schedules, as the university council went ahead with applying the ministerial instructions regarding the ministerial timing of the final exams that are held. It was announced by the Ministry recently.

For his part, the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Prof. Dr. Sabah Mahdi Karim, stated, "Our college was honored by the presence of the respected President of the University and the honorable deans, as their presence gave a moral dose to our teaching and career staff and even the students. It is in the college library, the electronic reading hall, the examination committees, and some maintenance and rehabilitation work in the college, which the committees expressed as conforming to ministerial specifications and advancing the university reality.