The college magazine resumes publishing and publishes the first issue of the thirty-second volume

The college magazine resumes publishing and publishes the first issue of the thirty-second volume
Hussein Al-Falih / Media of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
The Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, the scientific journal issued by the College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences at the University of Basra, resumed its publication to issue the first issue of the thirty-second volume.

The issue included the publication of nine scientific researches, most notably those concerned with the development of tennis, volleyball, basketball, swimming, wheelchair basketball, and sports injuries.

The journal had previously undergone a stage of development that included rehabilitating the office with the latest technology, in addition to strengthening the editorial board and the working group with ideas, proposals, courses and practical workshops that keep pace with the progress of scientific journals in Iraq and the Arab world.

For his part, the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Sabah Mahdi Karim said, “The Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education is a picture of the scientific outcome owned by the college, so we devoted all our efforts to the top of the list of Iraqi academic academic journals, and there are only a few steps left that separates us from the world’s containers, and according to the agreed plan, we guarantee our entry into these containers.” in the next stages."

He also added, "We support and support with all means and capabilities the editorial staff and the work team, who have proven their merit and superiority by overcoming difficult and complex stages that made a decisive transition in the case of the magazine, and we will remain with this insistence until the anticipated dream is achieved."

In turn, the editorial board, headed by the editor-in-chief, Professor Lamiaa Al-Diwan, called on researchers and those interested in this aspect to register in the magazine through the steps presented below.

You can visit the following link to continue:

Titles of research published in the issue:

1. The Influence of the Rofini Model on Learning Some Basic Skills and Sensory Perceptions in the Game of Female Tennis

2. A Comparative Analytical Study of the Effectiveness of the Performance for Power Jump Serve and Jump Float Serve for Elite Volleyball Players.

3. A Comparative Study of Some Genomic Variables for Jumpshot with and Without Defenders for Female Basketball Players

4. Studying (VARK) Model Among Students of the Second Stage in the College of Education and Their Relationship to Some Variables

5. The Effect of Intensity Distribution and Concentration Exercises on Developing Speed Endurance and Some Physiological Indicators and Achieving 100-Meter Freestyle Swimming

6. Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Respiratory Efficiency and Pulmonary Ventilation of Obese People

7. Predicting the Level of Skill Performance in Terms of the Explosive Ability of the Arms and the Stability of Scoring for Wheelchair Basketball Players

8. A Study of the Reality of Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries for Players of the Iraqi Premier League Clubs in Football

9. The Reality of Psychological Preparation from the Point of View of the Players of The Excellent Sports Teams in Sudan

We invite researchers to register in the journal at the following link:

Registration in the Journal of Physical Education Studies and Research takes place in two ways:

1. Registration through ORCID
2. Create an account in the magazine
      Below are steps that researchers should consider when filling out the information

• Profile information to be filled in any language (Arabic or English)
• Login name and password in English (using small letters only)
• Do not use a space, special characters and period when choosing a username, instead underscores _ and numbers can be used

For example:-
E-mail : ........
Login Name: dr_uihioj
Password: hassan
Reset password: hassan

• Mark the fields next to Yes

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