A doctoral thesis at the University of Basra discusses psychological momentum and its relationship to perceived self-efficacy and self-energy for players of Iraqi Premier League football clubs.

A doctoral thesis at the University of Basra discusses psychological momentum and its relationship to perceived self-efficacy and self-energy for players of Iraqi Premier League football clubs.

His doctoral thesis at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Basra discussed psychological momentum and its relationship to perceived self-efficacy and self-energy for players of Iraqi Premier League football clubs.

The thesis presented by the researcher (Sadiq Ibrahim Abdullah) and under the supervision of (Prof. Dr. Abdel Kazem Jalil Hassan) and (Prof. Dr. Majid Sabbar Muhammad) was evident in knowing the importance of identifying the role that the variables addressed in the study may play, namely psychological momentum and self-efficacy. The self-awareness and vitality of the players of the Iraqi Premier League football clubs and the nature of the interrelation between them, in addition to the importance of the players knowing the role of these psychological factors and the possibility of them appearing at a better level of performance through the psychological capabilities they have to face different situations during matches and competitions, along with physical, skill and tactical preparation. To reach the best possible level and performance.

The thesis aims to build measures of psychological momentum, perceived self-efficacy, and self-energy for players of Iraqi Premier League clubs in football, and to find standard levels for measures of psychological momentum, perceived self-efficacy, and self-energy for players of Iraqi Premier League clubs in football, and to identify the correlation between the measure of psychological momentum and self-efficacy for players of league clubs. Excellent Iraqi football player.

The researcher called for the use of the standards prepared by the researcher in measuring the variables (psychological momentum, perceived self-efficacy, self-vitality) and learning about the concept of psychological momentum and its impact on both perceived self-efficacy and self-vitality and identifying the relationship between them for players of Iraqi Premier League football clubs. Conducting studies on the psychological momentum variable and linking it to other psychological variables for players of Iraqi Premier League football clubs.