Physical Education conducts the competitive examination for postgraduate studies

Physical Education conducts the competitive examination for postgraduate studies
The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Basra conducted the competitive exam for applicants to postgraduate studies for master’s and doctoral studies for the academic year 2024-2025.
The dean of the college announced earlier the vocabulary for the two studies and the date of the competitive exam according to the ministerial calendar. Forty-eight applied for the master’s degree and twenty-two for the doctorate, on the public and private channels, and the families of martyrs and political prisoners.
The deanship also prepared an integrated plan, which was divided into scientific committees that provided questions and their model answers, observers, seating places, and administrative committees that took care of rehabilitating the examination hall, logistics, and the required supplies.
For his part, the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Haider Awfi Ahmed, said that this exam is very important for the academic institution, as through it specializations are strengthened and developed. Accordingly, we worked on its success through a meeting we held earlier, which resulted in the assigned committees that performed their tasks in the best way.