The Journal of Physical Education Studies and Research records achievements and takes steady steps towards internationalism

The Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Professor Dr. Haider Awfi Ahmed, met with the president, members, and staff of the magazine and discussed assigning the members of the magazine the tasks assigned to them and the necessity of marketing the preparation of the paper magazine (for professors and graduate students), activating cooperation between our college and the corresponding colleges, publishing free research from foreign researchers, and directing writers. Thank them.
The Dean of the College confirmed that the journal’s association and registration in (Google Scholar), (Research Gate), (Web of Science), and (PubMed) has a positive impact on the progress of the journal and the spread of its research.
Finally, the Dean, Professor Dr. Haider Awfi Ahmed, thanked the members working in the magazine and appreciated their efforts to make the magazine reach the international level, form a link with the academic community, and build relationships with the international scientific and academic community.
The journal is registered under (COPE) and (DOAJ) and has an object identifier (DOI) and approval to register the journal in (CrossRef), in addition to obtaining a Creative Commons license type (Cc by 4.0) license.
It also has Iraqi approval - for publication according to the issue deposited in the Iraqi Books and Documents House No. (540) on 6/17/1987 and the printed ISSN (1503-1818) - E-ISSN (2789-6560) - P-ISSN
- The magazine has owned the International Standard Serial Number for Printed Issues (PISSN) (1818-1503) since the year (2006) and also has the International Standard Serial Number for Electronic Issues (EISSN) obtained in 2021 with the number (2789-6560). The magazine hopes to enter a database ( Scopus and Clarivate due to its qualifications in the near future.